Monday, July 11, 2011

Metallica: Whiskey in the Jar

This song is a classic, I have always and will always be in love with it. I'm not a huge Metallica fan, but this song sets the bar for sure.


  1. Great cover. The video was hot, i always wanted to be in a party like that hahaha im sure you saw it.

  2. One of my favorite by Metallica.

  3. Great classic, but I still prefer this song when sung by drunk irishmen.

  4. Y'know, I actually happen to LIKE Garage, Inc. It was a great album full of awesome covers: this, Astronomy (oh hellfuckYES Astronomy!) and Die, Die, Die My Darling being amongst my faves from it.

    My only problem is that as a vocalist I can't help but say "MAMAAAAA-HUH" at the end of each Metallica cover. God, what happened to James Hetfield, y'know? He just went from freakin' awesome to "MAMAAAA~!"

    Oh, and Turn The Page. Gotta dig their version of Turn The Page.

  5. Cool stuff Brometheus. +1 follower
